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Belarus At The Top
DSC 2228Fourth round of the WYCO has been played today. After four rounds, only the Belarusian team have perfect 8 match points. Four teams, including the top seed Azerbaijan, are following the leader with 7 points.

The first board match-up of round four in WYCO was Kazakhstan-Israel. Although none of the individual games ended in a draw, the match saw a peaceful 2 - 2 score. A funny fact about this match-up was that first two board games were won by black players who opted for the sharp Najdorf Sicilian was played. On the first board, White sacrificed two pawns but had not any opportunity to play. On the second board 6.h3 line, very famous for a few years, game was going to a drawish rook endgame but Black was playing with a very good technique and beat the opponent.
The second and fourth team boards were won with the same result of 3.5 - 0.5 by Belarus and Uzbekistan against Bulgaria and India respectively. Meanwhile, the top seed Azerbaijan defeated Canada with 3 - 1. Pairings for the first three boards are as follows: Kazakhstan – Belarus, Israel – Azerbaijan , and United States of America – Uzbekistan.
Round 5 of the WYCO will start at 15:00 local time (GMT +3).

Gallery: 1. Tur -  2. Tur - 3. Tur - 4. Tur

News: Mert Tırak

Turkish Chess Federation © 2016